Dancing With Mystery
The body coalesces into point, center stage, an impossible unreal locus from which sense explodes as ambulatory glow, infinite radii in paired vacillation, in love as time, the sands forming as heaven’s excrescent sublime. Intention whips circle into sphere, spinning high-pitch wobble, perfect teetering globe, awake to itself as self-orbiting plane. The limbs articulate rhythm, sinusoidal thoughts waving into columns of light, columns of brilliant light. Cleaving, budding gravitational twist, styled infinite ribbon, the circle escapes the square in duplicate, arrives face-to-face with the moment of, the absurdity of any other dream, and thus, bends into appearance and blinks off. A lost signal echoes as certainty, as point-in-time, apart from hued diameter, a ray appears from anywhere, toward nowhere, increasingly. And then, Awareness converges, remembers point, remembers line, and with no sense or reason, Without knowing why, curves, Kisses its own chin as a lover’s, stares at its throat as God, sings, Bellows the sorrows of form, maintains itself as melodious, bi-surfaced singularity, bows, Reunites with stillness in dance, realizes itself as having been here all along, as never having left.

© Grace Sophia 2020